What’s that one food you have that always brings up the best memories? That food that you associate with a fun event or an amazing person; that food that you crave pretty much anytime and anywhere? For me, it’s buffalo chicken dip. In college, my best friend and I would pick a random afternoon, when neither of us had class or work to do (or maybe we were avoiding our responsibilities,) we would run to the nearest grocery store, and buy all the necessary ingredients for buffalo chicken dip. We would get a few cans of shredded chicken, a bag of cheddar cheese, cream cheese, the best buffalo sauce, and a bag of chips for each of us. We’d spend time together in the kitchen mixing our dip and baking it to get the perfect creamy, melty, most amazing creation we could think of. Along side a new movie, we could polish off the whole thing and go through the majority of the chips. I have zero shame and zero regrets. These our the stories I will tell forever because they’re the ones that brought me so much happiness, they made me laugh until I cried and they truly filled me with love.
The thing that didn’t fill me with love was the amount of pain I would be in the next morning. I had no idea my body was trying to tell me something, so I ignored it as best as I could and moved on with my life. After finally listening to my body, I realized that our buffalo chicken dip creation may not be the best for my insides. Ever since I cut it out, I have desperately been trying to find a better alternative. One that didn’t involve dairy or processed ingredients, but could still bring me back to those days with my best friend, when we only cared about how many movies we could watch on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Finally, I have done just that!! This is a cold version of my favorite food, but could easily be baked to give you that same warm, melty comfort food. It’s beyond easy to make, totally dairy free, and doesn’t make me feel like I’m dying in the morning… I ate this way too quickly along with a bag of Siete chips (corn free tortilla chips, try them if you haven’t, trust me.) It’s perfect as a dip or even a topping to a slice of toast. I hope the recipe makes sense, but feel free to comment with any questions.

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